Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Realization

I had a realization yesterday. And for me, it was a doozy.

I don't know how to date.

For real. I was married when I was 19 years old. And after my divorce, I didn't date. I fell right into relationships. THAT'S what I know how to do. I know how to be in a relationship.

Here's the problem, as I see it. Most men want to date.

Here's what I'm used to. Meet man. Give man phone number. Man calls. Man and I get together. Man and I become inseparable.

See my problem? I'm afraid my problem is making me come of as clingy, needy, even psycho.

I freaking HATE dating.

Monday, March 8, 2010

He's Just Not That Into You

by Greg Behrendt This book, I swear, should be required reading for ALL women! The topic closest to my heart at the moment is mixed signals. Someone saying they'd do something, then they don't. Really, how long does an "I'm thinking about you" text take. 30 seconds, if that?

Yep. I'm rereading He's Just Not That Into You. It's a very empowering book. But I think a lot of it isn't true. All right, not really. I just CHOOSE to think that the more 'hurtful' parts aren't true. Because I'm wonderful! And I'm worth a 30 second text. I am! Greg told me so. And he's never lied to me in the past. Well, except for the parts of his book I don't like.

See how I can go around and around about this? And make it work to my advantage? I'm just that good. Or not.

But I don't want to be pushy. I don't want to seem desperate. Because I'm really not either of these things. And I don't need to be. Because I'm worth more than that. I am! Greg told me so!

I deserve to be with a man who can't NOT think about me. I deserve to be with a man who doesn't mind picking up his phone (even as he's just walking to the bathroom or something) to let me know he's thinking about me. Greg told me so.

Men, DO THIS! It will make her day!

And if you DON'T do this, it will make her very sad in her heart. And the girls who haven't read this book will think that's all right. That it's 'normal' to feel that way. That it's part of life. Which is also true. When you're with a loser. Greg told me so.

What is awesome, though, is when he chooses to spend time with you. Even if he's not feeling well. Even if it's super late at night. It makes a girl feel like the 'smokin' hot superfox' that she is. (I must be that smokin' hot superfox! Greg told me so!)

So, men, please see that it really takes so little to make a girl feel important. If you're into her, just let her know! It doesn't take much! A text. A phone call. An unassuming evening spent talking. A television show you watch together giggling about. Simple things. That add up to a whole lot. I'm just sayin'!!