Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Realization

I had a realization yesterday. And for me, it was a doozy.

I don't know how to date.

For real. I was married when I was 19 years old. And after my divorce, I didn't date. I fell right into relationships. THAT'S what I know how to do. I know how to be in a relationship.

Here's the problem, as I see it. Most men want to date.

Here's what I'm used to. Meet man. Give man phone number. Man calls. Man and I get together. Man and I become inseparable.

See my problem? I'm afraid my problem is making me come of as clingy, needy, even psycho.

I freaking HATE dating.


  1. love it!! awesome realization!! everyone always says it, when you give up looking for "the one" you will find him.

  2. You can get through this, Sarah! It's never easy! I know....I speak from experience. I was never good at the dating thing, either. I always got attached right away, and it freaked the guys out, because I was too needy or clingy. The problem is, as Christians, we date to find our future spouses. We don't date just to date. We are taught that the whole purpose of dating someone, is to find out if they are marriage material. Marriage is always the "goal". Non-Christians do not date the same way. They date just to "have a good time", and to "fool around". Their end goal is not to find a spouse, but to find out if they are sexually compatible with the other person. They are all about what feels good at the moment, not what benefits they get out of a long term commitment. You just have to remind yourself of all the things Greg said in his book, and you will be a success!! :-)

  3. You know how I feel. We discussed this last night. You also know that I'm the same EXACT way and in the same EXACT position you're in at the moment. Doesn't it suck?

    I love relationships. I hate dating. And, like you said, most men want to date. But, like Marla said, most people that aren't Christians will date just to feel good. So, are most men not Christians? That's logical thinking!

    Really. If you STOP LOOKING, you WILL find it. And, in the meantime, I'll be your long distance lesbian best friend!
